International symposium on innovative radiotherapy

From 8:15
to 12:30
Université Paris-Saclay, bâtiment 200, Auditorium Pierre Lehman IJCLAB – Bâtiment 200 – Rue Ampère 91400 Orsay

From 5 to 7 October, the IJCLab in Orsay will be hosting an international symposium on innovative radiotherapy. This conference brings together international experts, researchers and students in radiotherapy and oncology, radiobiology, nanoscience and nanomedicine, and many other specialities, to exchange ideas about personalised treatments for patients in the future.

This conference brings together an international community of experts, researchers and students working in various fields, including radiotherapy, oncology, radiobiology and nanoscience. The aim is to share our ideas and design the treatments of the future, which will be both safe and personalised.

This is part of the ambitious MSCA-ITN THERADNET and INANOTHERAD projects, which promote innovative approaches based on the use of new sources of radiation. We will also be looking at the integration of nano-agents and targeted drugs to specifically sensitise tumours while protecting normal tissue from the harmful effects of ionising radiation. In short, we are coming together to shape the future of medicine by combining our expertise in these varied fields.


Pour plus d'informations :

More information and registration link on indico page of the event.