International agenda
A list of international meetings that bring IN2P3 and its foreign partners together.
COPIN - Annual meeting IN2P3-COPIN (Poland)
- 29/01/2020 in Paris, France
- Participants : Directions IN2P3-COPIN
INFN - Bilateral Meeting IN2P3-INFN
- 03/02/2020 in Rome, Italy
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, INFN
GSI - Annual meeting
- 05/02/2020, Germany, by videoconference
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, CEA, GSI
JINR - Bilateral Meeting IN2P3-JINR
- 11/02/2020 in Paris, France
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, JINR
STFC - Bilateral Meeting IN2P3/STFC
- 16/03/2020 in Paris, France
- Participants : directions IN2P3, CEA, STFC
DOE - Bilateral meeting IN2P3-DOE Etats-Unis
- 3-4/12/2019 in Paris, France
- Participants : Directions IN2P3-DOE Office of Sciences
IHEP - Bilateral meeting IN2P3-IHEP
- 27/04/2019 in Shanghai, China
- Participants : Directions FCPPL, IHEP
UC Berkeley
- 01/04/2019 in Berkeley, United-States
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, UC Berkeley Physics Department
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Laboratory visit
- 01/04/2019 in Berkeley, United-States
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, LBNL Physics Division
INFN - Bilateral meeting IN2P3-INFN
- 13/03/2019 in Paris, France
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, INFN
European Union DG CONECT - Meeting
- 25/02/2019 à Bruxelles, Belgique
- Direction IN2P3/DG CONNECT
JINR - Bilateral meeting IN2P3-JINR
- 13/02/2019 in Dubna, Russia
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, JINR
COPIN - Annual meeting
- 05-06/02/2019 in Krakow, Poland
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, COPIN
GSI - Annual meeting
- 10/01/2019, Germany, by videoconference
- Participants : Directions IN2P3, CEA, GSI
STFC - Réunion bilatérale IN2P3/STFC
Du 8 au 9/11/2018 à Didcot, Grande-Bretagne
Participants : directions IN2P3, CEA, STFC
GSI/FAIR - Visite de laboratoire
23/10/2018 à Darmstadt, Allemagne
Participants : directions IN2P3, GSI/FAIR