Resources for the general public
The Institute's scientists contribute to the creation of popularisation content for the general public and the academic world, from high school to university. The films, documentaries, images, websites and activities produced are freely accessible.
- website: The various applications of radioactivity and nuclear reactions in everyday life, in the doctor's office, in museums, in laboratories and in industry are presented. Four levels of reading to interest both the less informed and more enlightened visitors are provided. Websites in French ( and English (
- website: This is a French-language site entirely devoted to CERN's LHC project. All the aspects of this titanic achievement are illustrated with animations, videos and photos. The scientific issues, the challenges of the accelerator, the detectors, the computing grid, the human adventure and the important place of France in this worldwide enterprise are found here. A CNRS and CEA website.
- GANIL General Public website: Discover the main research themes developed at the Grand accélérateur national d'ions lourds, the instruments used or how a nuclear physics experiment is conducted.
- CERN Science pages: These provide scientific explanations about the constitution of matter, on the operation and interest of particle accelerators, a presentation of CERN accelerators and many photos.
- CERN 360 Experiment: This website offers a journey to the heart of the world's largest scientific laboratory. Through a 360°-panoramic immersion into CERN, discover numerous videos and the portraits of 60 people from all walks of life who have an emotional or professional link to CERN.
- Dark matter web documentary: This immersive and general public web documentary was the fruit of the collaboration between several French research laboratories. Discover what the scientific community knows and does not know about the fascinating unknown dark matter!
IN2P3 photo library, managed by the network of laboratory communication officers and the Institute's communication unit. It offers visual resources to the general public, the press and the Institute staff.
Some videos recently produced or supported by CNRS or IN2P3:
- LAPP is involved in the realisation of the large telescopes of the Čerenkov Telescope Array (in French only)
- Neutrino fishermen | a CNRS reportage (in French only)
- Gravitational waves: the extreme detectors (2016, 6') (English subtitles available)
- The mystery of Ettore Majorana, an absolute physicist (2016, 52 min) (in French only)
- The mystery of cosmic rays (in French only)
You can find many other images in CNRS photo ( and video libraries (
- Élémentaire: This popular journal was published between 2005 and 2016. It aims to make particle physics as widely known as possible. Issues are still available online for free.
- Passeport pour les 2 infinis (Passport for the 2 infinities): This book is published by Dunod (3rd edition in 2016). Written by a group of researchers and engineers from CNRS and CEA, it presents a panorama of current knowledge in astrophysics, astroparticles and particle physics. The entire book is now freely available online.
The IPPOG (International Particle Physics Outreach Group) network site is for secondary school teachers, or anyone wishing to popularise this discipline and offers a set of resources - particularly in French - to better understand the infinitely small.
Discover this poster - in French - showing the state of our knowledge about elementary particles, the smallest bricks of matter known to date. It is downloadable free of charge and is intended for French-speaking schools and the general public. For more information, please write to the following address:

Documents to download: The A0 poster and the educational brochure (PDF).