Your national and regional communication contacts

IN2P3 national communication group accompanies all initiatives aiming to increase the visibility of the Institute research activities, to communicate with the public or to participate in educational projects related to its disciplines. Each year, it deals with a large number of scientific subjects in the form of news items. It participates with CNRS Communication Department (Dircom) in the organisation of events, conferences and meetings. It organises major events within the Institute. It publishes 'La Lettre de l'IN2P3,' which is sent every month to all IN2P3 staff and interested parties. This relays information related to the life of the institute (discoveries, achievements, training, committee dates, events, etc.).

Contact us at



In the laboratories: The IN2P3 communication group relies on a network of communication correspondents and officers located in each laboratory of the Institute. This network ensures the circulation of information, the coordination of common communication actions and the promotion of laboratory activities at both local and national levels, in liaison with CNRS regional delegations.

The communication unit works in collaboration with many other scientific institutions such as CEA and CERN and within international scientific communication and outreach networks such as Interactions, EPPCN and IPPOG.


Want to promote an event or a scientific result?

Please contact your communication correspondent or officer in the laboratory with a description of your event or result, a presentation text in French of about half a page, a draft illustration and an indication of the date of publication, even if this is approximate. IN2P3 and CNRS communication department (Dircom) communication staff will then choose the best channel to promote your news (press release, scientific news “En Direct des labos’' article in “CNRS innovation” or on “CNRS Le journal” website) and will help you with the formatting of your text.

IN2P3’s social media accounts

Find more communication materials on CNRS intranet.