Particle physics Scientific results

CMS measures the W boson mass with record precision

Redémarrage du LHC le 5 juillet 2022
Scientific results Particle physics

LHC Run3: mid-term review and outlook

GBAR experiment at CERN
Particle physics Scientific results

Antimatter: CERN's GBAR experiment joins the anticlub!

Particle physics Scientific results

First results of the WIMP research with the XENONnT experiment

Tetiana Berger-Hrynova
Grants and prices Particle physics

Tetiana Berger-Hryn'ova: winner of an ERC Consolidator grant

Instrumental R&D Particle physics

HL-LHC : IN2P3 takes its first steps in 4D detectors

Institute news Accelerator R&D Nuclear physics Particle physics

IN2P3 delegation visits Fermilab and FRIB in the USA