XIVth Quark confinement and the Hadron spectrum conference (Reporté en 2021)

University of Stavanger Norway Stavanger

Inaugurated in 1994 in Como, Italy, this series of conferences has become an important forum for scientists working on strong interactions, stimulating exchanges among theorists and experimentalists as well as across related fields. The aim of the conference is to bring together people working on strong interactions from different approaches, ranging from lattice QCD to perturbative QCD, from models of the QCD vacuum to QCD phenomenology and experiments, from effective theories to physics beyond the Standard Model.

The scope of the conference also includes the interface between QCD, nuclear physics and astrophysics, and the wider landscape of strongly coupled physics. In particular, the conference will focus on the fruitful interactions and mutual benefits between QCD and the physics of condensed matter and strongly correlated systems.

The fourteenth edition of this conference series will be jointly hosted by the University of Stavanger and the Academy of Science Stavanger. The event will take place at the Ullandhaug Campus of the University of Stavanger, Norway, 27th July - 1st August 2020.


A: Vacuum structure and confinement

Mechanisms of quark confinement (vortices, monopoles, calorons...) and the structure of the vacuum in non-Abelian gauge theories. Chiral symmetry breaking, and the Dirac spectrum in the low-momentum region. Studies of ghost and gluon propagators. Confining strings and flux tubes, their effective actions. Renormalons and power corrections. Interface between perturbative and nonperturbative physics.

Conveners: D. Antonov (ITP, U. Heidelberg), M. Faber (TU Vienna), J. Greensite (San Francisco State U)

Focus Subsection: Emergent Gauge Fields and Chiral Fermions

Chiral fermions and anomalous hydrodynamic effects in condensed matter systems, quantum simulators of QCD, topological phenomena in condensed matter systems.

Conveners: F. Assaad (Würzburg U.), K. Jansen (DESY Zeuthen), T. Schaefer (NC State U), V. Shevchenko (NRC Kurchatov I.)

B: Light quarks

Chiral and soft collinear effective theories; sum rules; lattice calculations; Schwinger-Dyson equations; masses of light quarks; light-quark loops; phenomenology of light-hadron form factors, spectra and decays; structure functions and generalized parton distributions; exotics and glueballs; experiments.

Conveners: J. Goity (Hampton U.), B. Ketzer (Bonn U.), M. Constantinou (Temple U.) H. Sazdjian (IPN Orsay), N. G. Stefanis (Ruhr U. Bochum)

C: Heavy quarks

Heavy-light mesons, heavy quarkonia, heavy baryons, heavy exotics and related topics: phenomenology of spectra, decays, and production; effective theories for heavy quarks (HQET, NRQCD, pNRQCD, vNRQCD, SCET); sum rules for heavy hadrons; lattice calculations of heavy hadrons; heavy-quark mass determinations; experiments.

Conveners: G. Bodwin (Argonne NL), P. Pakhlov (ITEP, Moscow), J. Soto (U. Barcelona), A. Vairo (TU Munich)

D: Deconfinement

QCD at finite temperature; quark-gluon plasma detection and characteristics; jet quenching; transport coefficients; lattice QCD and phases of quark matter; QCD vacuum and strong fields; heavy-ion experiments. experiments.

Conveners: P. Foka (GSI), J. Ghiglieri (SUBATECH, Nantes), E. Iancu (CEA/DSM/Saclay), P. Petreczky (BNL), A. Vuorinen (U. Helsinki)

E: QCD and New Physics

Physics beyond the Standard Model from hadronic physics, including precision experimental data and precision calculations.

Conveners: W. Detmold (MIT), S. Gardner (U. Kentucky), M. Gersabeck (U. Manchester), E. Mereghetti (LANL), J. Portoles (IFIC, Valencia)

F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics

Nuclear matter; nuclear forces; quark matter; neutron and compact stars.

Conveners: M. Alford (Washington U. St.Louis), D. Blaschke (U. Wroclaw), T. Cohen (U. Maryland), J. Marton (SMI Vienna), A. Schmitt (U Southampton)

G: Strongly Coupled Theories

Hints on the confinement/deconfinement mechanisms from supersymmetric and string theories; strongly coupled theories beyond the Standard Model; applications of nonperturbative methods of QCD to other fields.

Conveners: D. Espriu (U. Barcelona), Z. Fodor (U. Wuppertal), S. Khalil (Zewail City U.), A. Martin (U. Notre Dame), E. Neil (U. Colorado)

H. Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century

Machine learning techniques; data fitting and extraction of signals; new developments in unfolding methods; averaging and combination of results.

Conveners: T. Dorigo (U. Padova), S.V. Gleyzer (CERN), P. Shanahan (MIT), L. Tagliacozzo (U. Barcelona)